About Us

From “cruise control” to “crash and burn,” we’ve been there, done that and got the t-shirt!

Hi! We are David & Beth Miller, founders of Love Like That.

For years, we served as the leaders of marriage ministry in our church. Then after 20 years of marriage we found all the things we’d learned and taught were no longer enough to bring us into unity & peace together. Between parenting teens and finances and just daily life, we found ourselves constantly at odds. It seemed we’d escalate into screaming matches (or the silent treatment) at the drop of a hat! As you might imagine, we felt blindsided when we tumbled into this abyss of turmoil & tension. WE NEEDED HELP! And so, we humbled ourselves and reached out for it. We attended an intensive where we learned to dig deep, explore our own hearts, and deal honestly with all that we unearthed. It totally changed the trajectory of our marriage!

True story…we had an argument before we even got home! But now we had the tools to navigate disagreements in much healthier ways.

What we know even today is that we will always be “works in progress!” We believe that is exactly why God has called us to this ministry with Love Like That.

We get it!

We’re not perfect. We do NOT have the perfect marriage ~ but we know and serve a perfect God who loves us and who continues to meet us where we are, always calling us to higher places with Him. And we get to invite YOU to join us in the journey! 

We can honestly say, now almost 35 years in, we love each other more than ever, we like each other almost all the time, and there is no one else we’d rather do life with! We look forward to partnering with you to help you become more deliberate and intentional in nurturing your marriage. It is so worth it!

Can we help you? We believe there is no such thing as a marriage that is too far gone. Use the button below to get the conversation started. Whether your marriage is a mess or you just know it could be better, we’re here to help you.


“This is the best thing my wife and I could have done for our marriage. We learned so much about communication and connection with each other and with the Lord.”

— retreat participant